Established paternity and parental responsibility should ensure the child’s right to their biological origin and right to maintenance and inheritance. The child may also have a psychological interest in knowing their origins.
If the mother is married when the child is born, the man in the marriage is considered the father of the child. If the mother is not married at the time of the child’s birth, paternity must be investigated and established by confirmation or court order.
If the child is a resident in Sweden, the social welfare committee in the municipality where the child is registered is responsible for investigating and establishing paternity and parental responsibility. If the investigation provides a sufficiently certain answer as to who is the father of the child, the social welfare committee should give the presumed father of the child the opportunity to confirm the paternity.
If the paternity is not established by confirmation, the child may, with the social welfare board and the mother as his or her representative, apply to the district court for a writ of summons.
Wachtmeister Advokatbyrå has extensive experience in these matters. We can represent you in cases involving the establishment or termination of paternity. We also have experience in international paternity issues and can help you start a paternity investigation and handle contacts with the social welfare board and other authorities.