Wachtmeister Advokatbyrå assists clients in and out of court and offers advice in the following practice areas
Family law is the part of the law that regulates the legal status of the family and the rights and obligations of family members. We undertake assignments in all family law issues, both Swedish and international. Our legal counsel can handle questions of child custody, child residence and access, child support and property division. We can also assist you in preparing documents such as prenuptial agreements, cohabitational agreements, joint ownership contracts and deed of gifts. We also undertake assignments as estate distribution executors.
- Joint custody
- Sole custody
- Children’s residence
- Alternate residence for children
- Contact with children
- Child support
- Unlawful removal and detention of children
- Paternity issues
- Prenuptial agreement
- Cohabitation agreement
- Matrimonial property division
- Property division
- Right of detention in shared home
- Estate distribution executor
- Deed of gift
- Joint ownership agreement
Inheritance law is the part of the law that regulates how your inheritance should be settled. We advise in all types of issues and matters relating to inheritance law, both Swedish and international. We can also help you with the drafting of wills and other legal documents. This may also involve assistance in estate settlements or various disputes related to inheritance law situations, such as questions of interpretation, breaches of title and invalidity of wills and other legal documents. We also act as estate administrators.
In addition to family law and inheritance law, we also undertake other assignments. These assignments should be closely related to our core activities. Other areas of expertise may include assignments for plaintiffs, special representatives for children or assignments in social law, such as LVU (Care of Young Persons Act). We regularly undertake assignments as representatives and public counsel in these areas.