Property division is the distribution of assets between spouses or cohabitants which usually has to take place at the time of dissolution of the marriage or cohabitation relationship. As a general rule, the spouses must draw up an agreement on the distribution of assets.

If the parties cannot agree on how their property is to be divided, both or one of the parties may apply to the district court for the appointment of an estate distribution executor.

The task of the executor is firstly to try to get the parties to agree on how the property is to be divided and secondly to decide on the part of the division that the parties disagree on.

When doing a property division, spouses or cohabitants often need someone to provide legal assistance to each one of them. This is particularly important if the parties have different opinions.

Wachtmeister Advokatbyrå has extensive experience in assisting in contract negotiations between the parties, as well as in acting as estate distribution executor.